Friday, August 8, 2014


Those who know me have probably figured out I'm a little passionate about breastfeeding {don't worry, its not one of those posts} I have always assumed I would nurse my babies for the economical advantage (formula is expensive yo!), the ability to feed my child anywhere (can't leave my boobs at home!), and the over all health benefits for both my child and me. Those have all proven true along with the indescribable bond it has given me with Declan. But here is one I never expected: Time.

Breastmilk is designed to be digested between 3-4 hours and even though nursing is natural, it is still a learned process on both mom and baby so the first couple weeks you pretty much sit around and do nothing but feed yourself and feed your baby. Some babies eat fast, some eat slow. Declan started as a slow eater.. He took about 1.5 -2 hours to eat {I watched a lot of movies} and ate every 3 hours or less. In the first few weeks I frankly didn't care because I was glad to just sit around and watch movies. And as he has grown up he has gotten more efficient and usually we are done to 15 minutes but that's only been in the last month or so. And that is still every 3 hours.

I'll be honest... I'm a pretty lazy person and I have no concept of time. I used to be able to lose an entire day to an SVU marathon forgetting I had homework that might take me longer than 20 minutes. I love to nap and even though I like to be busy, I don't need to be busy all the time like some of my friends. I have no problem choosing TV, Facebook, video games over dishes, laundry, or cleaning. It's always frustrated me but clearly not enough for me to try and change my habits. It's also worried me a little. How will I get my "me" time, my lazy time, with having a baby, a toddler, a 5 year old? Even before I had a baby I have thought about this (usually after babysitting for 4 hours) Then, little mister I need to eat every 3 hours, came along and I lost even more time because now I have to sit down and feed him. I remember crying to Darren {postpartum hormones... o man} how was I going to do anything?! I can barely get a shower in before I have to feed him again and it's going to be this way for 6 months!  But that is the beauty of children. They change you. They help you focus. Little did I know that I can actually feed Declan, then go to the grocery store, get home, put everything away, do a load of laundry, grab a shower, and start dinner before he needs to eat again! I'm not gonna lie... I was pretty amazed at first. I'm still lazy at heart ;) but Declan has helped me be productive. He has helped me stay focused and actually manage my time. I was always amazed at mom's who seemed to get everything done, now I know their secret :)