Little Man needed his diaper changed. Now that he is mobile, diaper changes are usually a six handed circus preformed with only 2 hands.. he does not have time to lay there for 5 minutes. He's got windows to bang on and dog tails to pull and since we cloth diaper sometimes my leg shows up trying to keep him down while I snap on his new diaper. But nap time was upon us and this time he was calm. He looked at his hands for a bit. He talked to me, told me his stories. I gave his tummy a raspberry and he smiled at me. A new smile, one with a giggle. It made all the other circus times worth it. That new smile. Little wrinkled nose and twinkly eyes. One little tooth poking through. O my precious boy. You show me so much in such a simple way. I could have ignored his chatter and just changed him as fast as I could. I didn't have to kiss your soft little belly. I didn't have to respond to your stories. I could have tried to beat my previous diaper changing record while you laid there actually content but instead I enjoyed you and saw your new smile. I smiled as I listened to you say "mama" over and over again knowing in a few weeks you might realize that is my name and when I responded "yes baby" you wrinkled your nose to me. I snapped you up and we rocked until you fell asleep. You fell asleep with your little hand wrapped around my finger and your paci dangling out of your mouth. My sweet child, you warm me to my very core. I'm so thankful for your diaper changes.