Monday, February 9, 2015

Growing Boy

I'm looking for my baby... if anyone has seen him please let me know... until then I suppose I shall follow this ONE YEAR OLD around! Goodness when did that happen! (yes I know February 5.. Thanks)

O I love my little boy though. I thought I'd fill you in on his new tricks...

1. The Printer
Declan loves to play with the printer because it's a touch screen with sound and his height! He really messed it up a few weeks ago by hitting a bunch of buttons and it took me a hour with the manual to reconfigure my wifi setting on it... so naturally I've started to turn it off when I'm not using it (genius, I know) except last week he saw me.... so now he comes over and pushes the power button to turn it on.. plays with it and when he is done - HE TURNS IT OFF! Guys.. my kid is smart ( I mean I might be bias ...whatever)

2. The Oven
Touch screens in this house is ridiculous.. our oven is his height and touchy as well... thankfully it has a lock out button so he can still hit the screen and makes sounds but not start the convection oven or reset the clock... but alas we have also figured out what button makes it unlocked.. Now we thankfully haven't figured that you have to hold that button for 5 seconds but I feel its only a matter of time.

3. Brushes
We LOVE to brush our hair. With our brush, my brush, paint brush, dog brush... it clearly doesn't matter. We haven't figured out the bristle needs to be on the hair so we end up hitting ourselves in the head. I'm sure you're thinking "Gosh Liz why don't you help him!" obviously.. but we don't like someone else to brush our hair... We also like to brush the dog.. which results in Declan chasing Marshal around the house and Marshal trying to avoid getting hit with a brush a bunch of times.. Willi is much more easier to brush.. He doesn't care.. or run away.

4. Books
He has recently started to sit and look at books. Which is totally on his own doing. I started reading to him when he was born but about 8/9 months we had to stop because books are not food.. Just in the last few weeks he has started to pull books of the shelf and sit down and turn the pages. All on our own. It's adorable.

5. Sounds
I'm anxious to see if he is an auditory learner. He often take his toys (particularly a wooden ball) and hit it on different surfaces and listens. He will hit it on the laundry room door and listen, then hit it on the wall, listen. Walk back to the laundry room door and hit it again, look at the ball, hit it on the furnace vent. WHAT IS THIS THING!

6. Fart noises.....
Our newest discovery is that if we find the right spot on mommy's arm and we blow we make a funny sound that tickles our lips! O the joy of a boy and fart noises.. it starts early you guys..

I'm sure there is a 100 other things he is doing and learning but these were just a few that were standing out to me and thought I would share!

Playing outside in the dirt and rocks